投稿时间:2024-10-11  修订日期:2024-11-11   点此下载全文
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高兴 gaoxing 山东中医药大学 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1564532296@qq.com 
高燕 gaoyan 山东中医药大学 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine gaoyaningyes@163.com 
赵璇 zhaoxuan 山东中医药大学 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine zhaoxuan831@yeah.net 
赵渤年* zhaobonian 山东中医药大学 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine bonianzh@163.com 
中文摘要:人参皂苷(ginsenoside)具有调节免疫、抗炎、抗疲劳和兴奋中枢神经等丰富的药理作用,目前在食品、药品领域中广泛使用。人参皂苷有固有的人参皂苷(ginsenoside)与稀有人参皂苷(rare ginsenoside)之分,二者具有相同的苷元结构,它们的主要差别在于与苷元连接糖基的数量。固有人参皂苷含量高,但是活性低、难吸收,稀有人参皂苷含量低,但是活性好、易吸收。稀有皂苷的低含量限制了对其的利用,通过不同的方式将高含量的固有人参皂苷转化为稀有人参皂苷便成为制备稀有人参皂苷的一种重要途径。传统的转化方式主要有化学法、物理法和微生物转化法。前两者对条件要求苛刻,制备成本较高,微生物转化法具有绿色环保、低成本、高转化率和高特异性的优点。笔者将对人参皂苷的转化方式进行综述,尤其关注微生物转化法,为稀有人参皂苷的获取提供思路及方法。
中文关键词:人参皂苷  人参皂苷转化  微生物发酵转化
Research progress on the transformation of ginsenosides based on microbial fermentation
Abstract:Ginsenoside has rich pharmacological effects such as regulating immunity, anti-inflammatory, anti fatigue, and stimulating the central nervous system, and is currently widely used in the fields of food and medicine. Ginsenosides can be classified into intrinsic ginsenosides and rare ginsenosides, both of which have the same glycoside structure. The main difference between them is the number of sugar groups connected to the glycoside. Inherent ginsenosides have high content but low activity and are difficult to absorb, while rare ginsenosides have low content but good activity and are easy to absorb. The low content of rare ginsenosides limits their utilization, and converting high content inherent ginsenosides into rare ginsenosides through different methods has become an important approach for preparing rare ginsenosides. The traditional conversion methods mainly include chemical, physical, and microbial conversion methods. The first two have strict requirements for conditions and high preparation costs. Microbial transformation method has the advantages of green environmental protection, low cost, high conversion rate, and high specificity. The author will review the transformation methods of ginsenosides, with a particular focus on microbial transformation methods, to provide ideas and methods for obtaining rare ginsenosides.
keywords:ginsenosides  Ginsenoside conversion  Microbial fermentation transformation
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