投稿时间:2024-07-17  修订日期:2024-09-13   点此下载全文
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徐智玮* xuwei 青海中医院 Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Qinghai Province hackbowl@163.com 
李啟恩 Li Qi-en 青海大学 藏医学院 Xizang Medical College of Qinghai University 578136668@qq.com 
严辉 Yanhui 南京中医药大学药学院 School of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine glory-yan@163.com 
贾守宁 JIA Shou-ning 青海省中医院 Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Qinghai Province jiashouning@163.com 
赛曼 Sai Man 西藏自治区藏医院 Tibetan Hospital of Xizang Autonomous Region 577749858@qq.com 
多杰端智 Duo Jie-duan-zhi 青海省藏医院 Tibetan Hospital of Qinghai Province 349571431@qq.com 
多杰才让 Duo Jie-cai-rang 青海省藏医院 Tibetan Hospital of Qinghai Province 415812343@qq.com 
孟和毕力格 MENG He-bi-li-ge 内蒙古民族大学蒙医药学院 Inner Mongolia Minzu University mhblg@163.com 
王双玺 WANG Shuang-xi 青海省中医院 Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Qinghai Province wangshuangxi142019@163.com 
中文摘要:通过梳理五味甘露药浴相关藏医古籍著作及现代临床文献,对五味甘露药浴中五种药材的基原和功效进行了系统整理和考证,同时分析探讨了其现行标准和应用现状,本研究对完善藏药材地方标准和提高临床用药安全性与有效性具有重要意义。经考证可知,柏类药材在藏药中称为“徐巴”和“徐巴刺尖”,其主流基原分别为侧柏Platycladus?orientalis?(L.) Franco和刺柏Juniperus formosana Hayata,从功效上看侧柏外用治疗风湿病,而刺柏外用于疔疮和炭疽;杜鹃类在藏药中称为“塔勒嘎保”和“塔勒那保”,它们的主流基源分别为烈香杜鹃Rhododendron?anthopogonoides?Maxim.和头花杜鹃R. capitatum Maxim.,前者外用常散寒止痛,后者内服常用于止咳;柽柳类在藏药中称为“翁布”,其主流基原为水柏枝Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv.,外用常用于发散透疹;麻黄类在藏药中称为“才屯”,其主流基原为藏麻黄Ephedra saxatilis Royle ex Florin和山岭麻黄Ephedra gerardiana Wall.,外用时多具有清热消肿;蒿类在藏药中称为“坎巴”,其主流基原以灰色者大籽蒿Artemisia sieversiana Ehrhart ex Willd.为主,外用于祛风除湿。目前在国家标准和地方标准中不同药材基原的选择符合本文考证。五味甘露药浴在治疗风湿痹症上有显著的疗效,尤其对治疗痛风也有显著疗效,但目前其基础研究较少,建议应加大力度开展地方药材和制剂质量评价上研究。
中文关键词:经典名方  五味甘露浴方  本草考证  应用现状
Textual Research on the Basic Source of The Wuwei Ganlu Medicinal Bath and Its Application Status
Abstract:.By reviewing relevant the ancient Tibetan medical texts and modern clinical literature,the article found that the basic source plants and their efficacy of TWGMB,Analyzed and explored its current standards and application status.It is of great significance to improve local standards for Tibetan medicinal materials and enhance the safety and effectiveness of clinical medication.Through textual research,the Cypress species in traditional Tibetan herbs that we called “Xuba” and ”Xuba-cijian”,Their mainstream source are Platycladus?orientalis?(L.) Franco and Juniperus formosana Hayata,The former is used topically to treat rheumatism, while the latter is used to treat furunculosis and anthrax;the Rhododendron species in traditional Tibetan herbs that we called “Suoluo-gabao” and “Suoluo-nabao”,Their mainstream source are Rhododendron?anthopogonoides?Maxim. and R. capitatum Maxim.,the former is commonly used topically to dispel cold and relieve pain, while the latter is commonly used to relieve cough;the Tamarix species in traditional Tibetan herbs that we called”Wengbu”,which mainstream source is Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. and it can treat eczema;the Ephedra species in traditional Tibetan herbs that we called”Caitun” ,which mainstream source are Ephedra saxatilis Royle ex Florin and E. gerardiana Wall,they can clear heat for detumescence;the Artemisia species in traditional Tibetan herbs that we called”Kanba”,which mainstream source is Artemisia sieversiana Ehrhart ex Willd.And it can expel wind and remove dampness.At present,based on national and local standards of these mainstream sources,they also mainstream source complies with the textual research in this article,and the TWGMB has significant therapeutic effects in treating rheumatism,especially in the treatment of gout. but there is currently limited basic research on it. It is recommended to increase efforts in conducting research on the quality evaluation of local medicinal materials and preparations.
keywords:Classical famous prescription  Wuwei Ganlu Medicinal Bath  Herbal textual research  Application status
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